02 May, 2018

University, Cgpa and I

One question that I always see, freshers ask,"Can I get a good job with my *.** Cg pa?". There's a short answer and a long answer. If you want the longer and detailed version do ignore the short one.


I'll give myself and my experience as an example. I was a student of American International University Bangladesh. I completed my bachelor's degree with 3.98 Cg pa. I was awarded the maximum honor. Sum ma cum laud. Since I'm from CS background I will only talk about the job market of CS.
So does CG PA matter for getting a job?
98% times the answer is no. So you can stop reading any further.
So what's in the 2%?
Teacher and Researcher. If these two don't pique your interest then you can forget about cg pa. Going abroad is included in research field.

Long Version:

This part will be a bit detailed for what I made such a blunt statement above.
I've given and taken enough interviews to let you know which part is actually checked in the CV for shortlisting. Actually let me tell you the parts that are ignored first hand. Your educational backgroundyour grades. Shocking isn't it? No. Nobody cares where are you from as long as you know things that will benefit the company. One of the core feature could be your skills. Another can be your ideas. How does a company get a glimpse of your skills? Or ideas that you have. Well for ideas it's simple. You need to start blogging to let others know that you know stuff. For skills you need to provide at least one good fully working project. And it should be hosted on some public git community, such as Git Hub.
First thing we do is check the Git Hub profile. If you have weekly contributions all over the years, it is a good profile. I saw people only publishing the project once done and never updating it. Most of the case I would think that this code could be stolen or something. Then we open up a random code file and check out if code has been done following some convention. Did the project follow a design pattern. Well design patterns are bonus marks where as convention is critical. If you didn't name your variables properly or line indent is not cared for. There's 100% chance that your CV is not looked at any further. Just in case everything goes well. We check your educational background. If the cg pa is high, you will probably not get a call. Because company needs stability. It's quite common with high cg pa students to go abroad. This is probably a  worst case scenario. There's a chance that's why I mentioned it. So those with very high cg pa... You have something to worry about.
Now have you once noticed that I checked the cg pa to decide if I should shortlist him/her? No? Exactly my point.
CS related task doesn't require you to have a degree. It only cares for what you can do for the company.  So focus on building skills.

Things that matter in a CV? Maybe another time.Stay tuned.....

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