23 August, 2018

Graduation, CGPA and It's Usage

This is more like a Timeline than a blog post. I will be updating this post from time to time to show a timeline of the usage of CGPA or my BSc in Software Engineering Certificate.

  • 2017 March: I got my first JOB in iQuantile as a Game Developer. Guess what They didn't ask for my CGPA.
  • 2018 January: I was promoted to  a manager.
  • 2018 February: I Graduated from AIUB. I was awarded Summa Cum Laude for achieving a CGPA of  3.98 out of 4.00 .

  • 2018 March : Showed off my gold medal to everyone until l i got bored and gave my mother to store it to god knows where.

  • 2018 August : Started to maintain this timeline. It's almost a year but I don't even know where did I store it, Let alone use it. By this year the only time my Certificate was mentioned was for a very specific reason. Some random relatives asked my parents where do I study or stuffs like that. My parents said,"He's done BSc in Software Engineering from AIUB". I was hoping that they'd mention the CGPA at some point but when I looked at their face I could clearly read, THEY HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT'S A SOFTWARE ENGINEER IS! They were like "Good,Good."  I hope by the time I die I can at least mention once or twice on how I needed this Certificate. 

  • 2018 December: Appointed as a Jr. Software developer at Brain Station-23. Well they asked me why am I not doing masters with this CGPA. Probably worried if I'd leave for my masters while at my job. Hmmmm...

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