13 May, 2018

CV, shortlist and others

I'd like to share how do we shortlist CV. But first Know that this is how I or the people I know does shortlisting. So I could miss a lot of points. But I'll try to point out most of the things I know.

We never check your CGPA , instead what we check is if you are a graduate or still a student. Now graduates get more priority. But first let's talk about students. There are two types of student that apply. 

One that is confused about life. Just want to get a job desperately another one is passionate one. If you are a confused student we can figure it out pretty easily. For example confused students will apply for digital marketing and feature programming skills on CV. If you are a programmer why are you applying for digital marketing? If you are interested in digital marketing why are you showcasing programming?

But the same thing could be reversed in another case. If an EEE student applies for development with a few good maybe just one good project we expect him/her to be passionate one. He's probably going to be shortlisted.

The CV should contain relevant data to make reviewers interested in to you. Experience section is thoroughly checked. But beware. If you have 3-4 Job experience in a year... Then you are less likely to be shortlisted. Because we think that you have a tendency to switch job as Soon as the opportunity arrives. Company expects stability. But of course if you have 3-4 years experience from one place you will have a higher demand. Experienced people are more likely to be shortlisted.

There's another factor that's called luck. It's unprofessional but it does matter. Sometimes how you represent yourself could offend the reviewer or amuse him . Better not do something unprofessional in the CV. Well I did do something like that. In my CV Wrote that I need a valid job to get married . Well my boss was cool enough to let that slide. But your reviewer might not be. To be honest I did that to ensure that he's actually cool with my attitude. Because you can't just go shift jobs just because your boss didn't like something you said or vice versa. Don't take a job without knowing if your compatible with each other just because of the pay scale else you will regret it.

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